Toast's Corner

collection of tiny cats

Hi, and welcome :]

I'm new to coding... okay, well, maybe not that new. This's the first time I've ever tried actually making something nice for a change, though, rather than just doing something stupid. Some of the links don't work just yet, and the homepage (where you are now!!!) isn't completed, either. :[

Planning on turning this into something better, but just need some time to come up with ideas, that's all :]

While that's in progress, might as well write out a bio of sorts, since that's basically the whole point of constructing this page.
I'm a musician, and a rather bad one at that. If ya wanna risk eardrum damage, go ahead and check out the "my stuff" tab and have a listen. Your choice, ig. There's also not a whole lot there, mainly because most of the stuff I make is unfinished. I'm currently working on a song which is composed of all of my old icky WIPs stitched together. It's an absolute abomination.
I'm also: